Are you completely overwhelmed by the amount of information out there regarding proper nutrition, and just don’t know where to start?

Do you want to FEEL healthy, attractive, and confident in your own skin again?

Are you ready to start your journey into becoming a happier healthier version of YOU?

If you marked “Yes” to any of these questions…

Then it's time to start scheduling you FREE 30 minute Consultation with me!

Hey there! My name is Rocky. I am a International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) Certified Nutrition Coach who specializes in Ayurvedic Wellness & Lifestyle practices. I am also a ISSA Certified Fitness Instructor and a Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT 500).

I am a mother of two wild & crazy kids, a spiritual advocate, and a disabled combat veteran with plenty of fight left in me! I have had over 800 hours formal training and over 3 years of teaching experience in the ancient sciences of Ayurveda & Yoga and I can't wait to share this vital wisdom with you.

I have been on what seems like a lifelong journey of self-discovery and self-mastery and I want to give you the vital skills I have learned along my travels across the world. From a small-town California girl, to a world traveled woman, I have what it takes to help you reach your goals.

The techniques I use to teach you how to take back control over your own health and wellness are invaluable, and you can take this knowledge with you for the rest of your life.

I know what’s it’s like to feel lost and afraid. To be overwhelmed with all the varying & contradicting information that is out there on the World Wide Web. I have had constant battles with fluctuating weight gain and weight loss, and the anxiety and depression that goes along with it. The roller coaster of emotions we go through as women and as moms leaves us feeling completely deflated and devalued.

I have clients who come to me feeling completely defeated and felt they had nowhere else to turn, and left our sessions feeling hopeful and optimistic. They ask me how do I do “it?” How did I lose all my baby weight? How did I find my confidence again? How do I balance my busy life with all the stress and worry and seem to still be able to maintain a healthy weight?

I can tell you now, it wasn’t an expensive gym or Yoga studio membership. It wasn’t an overpriced meal replacement program or a fancy pyramid scheme where I had to sell loads of products in order to be considered a ‘coach’. And it wasn’t about stepping on a scale, weighing my food, counting my calories or tracking my macros. I sure as heck can tell you it wasn’t a fancy plastic surgeon or ridiculously secretive eating disorder.

It was about re-learning everything I had thought I needed to know about food and my relationship to Self. I had to basically throw out most of the junk ‘science’ of modern day nutrition and refocus on HOW I was eating, WHEN I was eating, and WHAT I was eating.

You see, Nutrition Coaching is NOT about me making you a meal plan. It’s NOT about me coming up with all of your recipes for you. And it most certainly is NOT about me keeping you dependent on me for every bit of motivation.

Nutrition Coaching is about me teaching you how to do these things on your OWN! My goal is to teach you how to NOT need me. If you are still my client after 12 months, then I have failed you. The Health & Fitness Industry doesn’t want you to know how to become and independent, mature, self-motivated go getter who doesn’t need fancy fitness equipment or expensive meal plans in order to lose weight naturally and maintain healthy lifestyle habits. That would hurt their bottom dollar. Of course they don’t want you to know how to be your own boss babe!

I, on the other hand, do! I want you to be able to wake up in the morning EXCITED about your day. I want you to learn how to take back control of your health and create a sense of wonder about life again. I want you to embody the Divine Feminine Energy that has being laying dormant within you for years now. I want you to find YOU!

Don’t wait around for the solution to your health problems to magically fall into your lap

Take back your life

Book your FREE 30 minute consultation today!!


*All clients must undergo a 30 minute free consultation for their initial appointment and if we are a good fit together, a private link for all other appointment slots will be emailed privately.

All appointments are subject to fluctuations of time-zones.

**All appointments have a 24-hour cancellation/reschedule policy. If 24 hours notice is not given PRIOR to the alloted appointment time, the client will forfeit the session.

***All appointments will maintain good conduct, with a zero tolerance policy for lude or sexual comments or behaviors.