Eat Real Food (Live Group)

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The Eat Real Food Program.png

Eat Real Food (Live Group)

Sale Price:$111.11 Original Price:$222.22

Week 1: Reduce & Prepare

These first seven days are designed to give your body a break from caffeine, sugar and processed foods, while still loading up on satisfying, nutrient rich meals. This is a great transition towards jump starting your ‘eat real food’ detox.

Jumping from a low nutrient highly processed diet to a high nutrient low processed diet with all the “bells and whistles” is extremely difficult to do.
So, let’s take it in stages and I know you’ll still be feeling great after the first week.

Follow this simple diet and really get prepared for the following few weeks.
Make sure you have all the ingredients and equipment you need.

If you’re already eating a healthy diet like this, then why not use the extra time now to investigate other natural methods of detoxifying your body - such as:

  • Your daily movement

  • Home environment

  • Down time

    Week 2-3: Clear Out Toxins

It’s now time to turn up the heat and take things to the next level. In this period, you’ll eat huge amounts of fibre-rich vegetables and snack on fresh fruit and seeds while drinking plenty of water, green smoothies, and herbal teas to flush out the toxins.

It’s also at this point that we really focus on removing certain food groups from the diet, like gluten, dairy and soy. We swap some of our typical healthy snacks for nutrient packed green smoothies.

This is where true reset happens, so be kind to yourself, rest and eat up!

Detox symptoms may surface during this time and could require you to slow down for a few days while your body works hard at pushing toxins out of the body.
Also, your energy levels will begin to rise during these weeks and your skin will really begin to look healthier.

Week 4: Full Power

During the fourth week it’s time to truly witness the power of plant-based nutrition. In the last few weeks, you have already experienced how great you can feel and look by simply having more fruit and vegetables in your diet. Because plants are awesome! It’s pretty clear that eating more plants:

For the fourth week of the D'rock Method, you will be eating 100% plant-based!

There are a lot of myths around plant-based eating, such as it’s too complicated, expensive, your muscles will waste away, beans are bad for you or that you’ll gain weight from too many carbs. None of this will happen to you during one week of plant-based eating.

And remember, you’ve been building up to this for the last few weeks. Instead, you’ll discover how quickly you look, feel and perform better.
If you thought energy levels were already improved, wait until you see the results from going fully plant- based.

  • Makes you healthier

  • Helps you balance your appetite

  • Gives you lots of the good stuff like nutrients and fibre Can be more environmentally sustainable and affordable

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This product is offered through a private Facebook Group Live Eat Real Food Program and weekly Zoom Meeting. You MUST have both an active Facebook & Zoom account to participate in this group coaching program. This is a paid group only. Please be sure to answer all the questions when submitting your request to join the private group. You must provide the email you used today to purchase this program in order to verify your identity. Please feel free to contact our team directly if you are having any troubles with your purchase or accessing the private group.